Good News Church PCA was founded in 1998, and is a part of the Presbyterian Church in America. We subscribe to the doctrinal standards of the Westminster Standards (Westminster Confession of Faith; Westminster Shorter Catechism; Westminster Larger Catechism). We exist to be faithul to the Great Commission found in Matthew 28; the Risen Christ, the Head of the Church, has commissioned His Church to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Triune God, teaching them to observe everything He has commanded us.
Sungho Lee | Pastor
- Westminster Theological Seminary
Sungho Lee has been attending Good News Church since 2000, and he considers it a great privilege that God has called him to serve as an elder at Good News.
He and his wife, Caroline, are blessed, joyful parents of Owen, a very smiley and healthy baby.
Sungho was ordained as a teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church in America.
These days he is immersing himself in Greg Beale’s “A New Testament Biblical Theology” and the Westminster Larger Catechism.
David Pai | Deacon
- Rutgers University, Rutgers College, BA
- UMDNJ, New Jersey Medical School, MD
David Pai (a.k.a. Dr. Dave) has been attending GNC since 2001 and was ordained as a deacon on Easter Sunday 2007. He feels compelled to serve by doing things behind the scenes that ensure the day to day operations of the church go smoothly. He feels richly blessed by the feeling of close community within GNC as well as the Scripture-based teachings of the church.
David and his wife, Hannah, currently reside in South Brunswick, NJ. He practices nephrology (kidney disease) in Trenton, NJ. His interests include playing softball and golf, barbequing, and dabbling in photography.